Cloud integration


Integrating Coink with an external cloud service like Thingspeak is very straight forward thanks to their public RESTful API. We just need to write a couple of lines of code to process and visualize the data appropriately.

The following code snippet plots the daily savings in the last couple of days:

[data, time] = thingSpeakRead(516536, 'Fields', [1], 'NumDays', 7);
data = timetable(time, data)
data = retime(data, 'daily', 'sum')
bar(data.time, data.Variables, 'FaceColor', [1 .5 0])

The following code snippet plots the total accumulated savings:

[data, time] = thingSpeakRead(516536, 'Fields', [1], 'NumDays', 365);
curve = cumsum(data);
area(time, curve, 'FaceColor', [1 .5 0]);
title(strcat('Total savings: ', num2str(sum(data), '%.2f'), ' €'));

Note that the code above assumes that the Thingspeak channel was created to ingest a single field, which corresponds to the coin that was detected on insertion. The code then sums by day or calculates the total cumulated sum.